Knollwood Garden Center Events and Sales in Dayton
Free Fall Seminar Series
Holiday Hours
Monday-Satuday 9:00-6:00, Sunday 11:00-5:00
Christmas and New Year's Eve 9:00-3:00
Closed Christmas and New Year's Day
New Winter Hours: (as of Dec. 26)
Monday-Friday 9:00-6:00
Saturday 9:00-5:00
Closed Sunday
Winter Seeding Event!
Fri. & Sat. 2/7-2/8/2025
All Grass Seed 20% Off
+One Free Pound with ANY purchase!
This weekend should be a prime opportunity to start restoring your lawn:
Join Knollwood's John Scott all day for answers to all your questions about winter seeding with Green Velvet Grass Seed, the local source of all of our grass seed.
Maintaining and improving the health of your lawn starts now, while the ground's still cold! Winter seeding easily improves the thickness and health of your lawn. Questions about how to get a weed "situation" under control? We can help you make a plan for that too.
Final Christmas Clearance
All Christmas merchandise* now 75% Off! Hurry, it won't last forever!
*Trees, Wreaths, and Garland will remain 50% Off
All sales final, no further discounts.
Click to register
Christmas Clearance
All Christmas merchandise now 50% Off! Hurry, it won't last forever!
All sales final, no further discounts.
Christmas Decor 40% Off!
Begins Saturday, Dec. 21,
All sales final, no further discounts.
Click to register
Poinsettia Sale, Christmas Sale

20% Off All Poinsettias, Porch Pots, and Fresh Trees
30% Off All Other Christmas!
The classic holiday flower in an outstanding assortment of colors from shades of red, burgundy, pink, white, marbled, and more. A timeless gift for friends, clients and co-workers...
Carry out only, no further discounts. Does not apply to advance orders.
Deck The Halls: Fresh Pine Sale

10% Off Fresh Pine Porch Pots
20% Off Wreaths, Roping, Swags, Branches, and Fresh Pine Decor
Fresh pine wreaths, roping, branches, porch pots, ... fragrant and beautiful for creating that holiday feel from doorstep to mantle. Two days only, no further discounts. Fresh cut and Live trees not included.
Click to register
Holiday Decorating Weekend
Friday-Sunday Nov. 29 thru Dec. 1
10% Off Fresh Pine Porch Pots & Trees,
20% Off Everything Else Storewide!
It's time to decorate and drape your home in Christmas finery: lifelike trees and wreaths, fresh pine wreaths and boughs, Christmas decor, blooming holiday plants, gifts for gardeners and Christmas lovers alike.
Porch Pot Workshops

A big, fresh pine porch pot is a great, lasting winter decoration…
and it's a great way to spend time with friends, too!. Join our designers to create a porch pot of your own to take home: Registration by phone is required, as class size is limited. Fee: $59.99 to create a 12" pot, bring pruners and gloves if desired. (No discounts apply to class fees)
Saturday November 23, 10:00
Sunday November 24, 12:00
Saturday December 7, 10:00
Sunday December 8, 12:00
Knollwood At Night!
Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 6:00-8:00
Come see what makes Knollwood so special at Christmas....the lights, the holiday plants and poinsettias, the decorated trees and festive gifts, home decor, fresh greens and more.
Enjoy some wine (served by Rumbleseat Wine) and cheese, cider and punch and celebrate the start of the season with us!
Christmas Open House
You are in invited to imagine, to dream, to enjoy!
Knollwood has transformed into your favorite Christmas Shop with decorated trees for inspiration, wreaths, porch pots, gifts, ornaments, decor, and the the first Poinsettias of the season!
Enjoy 20% Off All Christmas Merchandise!
Two days only, not valid for custom orders, Carry out only. No adjustments to prior sales.
Click to register
The Big Fall Sale!
Fall Is For Planting... And Saving!
Trees and Shrubs 50% Off
Perennials now 75% Off
Halloween Decor 75% Off
Fall Bulbs 30% Off
No adjustments to prior sales.
Surprise Perennial Sale!
It's peak season for our favorites, so let's have a sale!
All Perennials 25% Off
Four Days Only
Thursday-Sunday, July 11-14
Click to register