
You Reap What You Sow...

September 6, 2010  |  bulbs
Colorful tulip garden

...and if you sow bulbs this fall, look at the kind of rainbow you will reap next spring! This bed of bulbs was in front of Knollwood this past spring, and it was stunning and simple. We took a handful of this and a handful of that. Shook 'em all up. Scattered them on the ground. And planted them where they fell. By mixing up early, mid, and late season bloomers, we had "wow" color all spring long. No angst of decision-making, no plotting and planning, just a dazzling display of whimsical color. Try it, you'll love it! 

Our full selection of spring-flowering bulbs are here now (click here to take a peek at just a few of the exciting new varietis), so grab a few handfuls and plant! (P.S. If you are planting a large bed like ours, attach a bulb auger to your power drill to cut the planting time in half!)