
What's Your Sign?

March 11, 2011  |  spring
Colorful tulips
"One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving the murk of March thaw, is the Spring." - Aldo Leopold

It's really a personal thing, isn't it, what symbolizes a season? The sight or sound or smell that flips the switch in your mind that "Oh, Yes! Spring is here!" For many it is the classic Robin Red Breast; for some, the smell of slightly warmed damp earth; for others, the first tips of green as the daffodils and tulips push their way to the sun. Once that trigger has been hit, even the occasional cold, gray day is not enough to make you forget that Spring is indeed on it's way. What does the trick for you? Click the word "comments" below and tell how you know it's spring!