
Support Your Local Pollinators! 2015

June 10, 2015
Hummingbird on a flower

You've been hearing a lot recently about the importance of pollinators to our ecosystem and food supply: this is nothing new, of course.  Birds, bees, butterflies and even animals play an irreplaceable role in the health of the environment, so it just makes sense to do what we can to support them however we can!

Start by considering their likes and dislikes when you garden:  which annuals and perennials do the birds and butterflies love for their nectar or pollen?  Which shrubs produce berries and seeds for winter sustenance?  Can the birds find safe perches in your garden to enjoy?  Is there a fresh water source nearby?  Did you know we have specially designed "houses" for butterflies, bats, ladybugs, and bees? (Many beneficial bees don't live in big colonies like honey bees do.)

All of these things will help you help them, and therefore the environment, while creating a lovely garden for you to enjoy as well.  Stop in: we'd love to help you pick some pollinator-friendly plants today!