
Summer Seminars

May 29, 2012  |  seminars
Orange Flowers

We've got two good summer seminars lined up for you...hope you can join us!

Sat. 6/9/12 at 10:00 am Tropical Treasures Thank you to all who attended this seminar!

Barb Kedler will hold a one-woman show and tell of the unique and unusual tropical plants that can transform you patio from ho-hum to Hawaii. She has gathered Passion Vine, Medinilla, Hibiscus, Mandevilla, Gloriosa lilies, Jasmine, and more...learn about their care and needs, and what to do when fall comes around.

Sat. 6/16 at 10:00 am Patio Container Water Gardens

Babs Sabick and Joyce Buerger will explain how easy it is to create an easy-to-care for water garden in a pot for any size space. From choosing containers and plants, troubleshooting, and aesthetic design, this is a project that anyone can manage in a weekend! Please call to register, or click the word comment directly below and leave your name, email, and number attending. Please be sure to specify which seminar you are interested in!