
NEW! Garden Rewards Program

March 1, 2014  |  bonus bucks, garden rewards

We promised a BIG announcement, and now we're here to deliver the exciting news!  We have a brand new Garden Rewards Program designed for you: easier, more convenient, and more rewards for every purchase!

        For every $100 you spend, we will mail you a reward certificate worth five dollars; it's that simple.  Use it any day of the year you choose, and with no "50% of purchase" limit.  And your purchases are cumulative: dollars spent over $100 rollover to start you towards your next certificate!  And no more Bucks to save and remember, cluttering up your purse or glovebox. 

        That's right: no more Bonus Bucks... they were fun, but we think you'll appreciate the new program even more.  But don't throw them away: we said they don't expire and we meant it: you earned them.  We're throwing in some extra weeks this spring to let you use them up, and the first week is now: spend your Bonus Bucks Monday-Sunday, March 3-9 and stock up on spring supplies, soils, tools, seeds,  plants and more.  Then we'll do it again April 7-13, and that includes our big Garden Party Spring Kick Off and sale.  They'll still be good in June, too.

        The only requirement for our new program is providing your mailing address: once that's in the system with your phone number you're signed up and have nothing more to do.  If you already get our postcards, you are already signed up: just confirm it is correct and with the correct phone number the next time you are in.  Questions?  Click here, or just ask!