
If You Really Want Fresh...

April 15, 2013  |  fruits, vegetables
Fruit sorbet

...then grow it yourself!  Start your day by stepping outside and picking just enough strawberries for your cereal, enjoy fresh spinach and spring onions in your lunchtime salad, steam some newest-of-the-new-potatoes for dinner, and wind up with a few more of those strawberries and some fresh blueberries on a bowl of vanilla icecream. 

You don't have to be Old MacDonald to enjoy fresh fruitsherbs, and vegetables from your own backyard.  Many of your favorites can be succesfully grown in containers, so even patio gardeners can get in on the goodness.  Dwarf fruit trees like apples and peaches are just as attractive as ornamental trees in your landscape design, and there is no better way to get the kids involved in gardening and healthy eating than having both at their fingertips.

Check out some of the many varieties we carry, and then stop in to discuss what you would like to try next...we'd love to help!