
Family Time In The Garden

October 20, 2010  |  bulbs, fall
Children in a garden

Family time is at a premium for many of us now that school and all the associated activities are back in swing. Spending a little time together in the garden is a great way to get your fall chores done and have a little fun in the process. Getting kids outdoors is pretty easy when there are piles of leaves to jump in after a long day cooped up in a school room, and it's also a great season to get them involved in your gardening. Planting spring bulbs is a great, easy project for kids to help with, and so is raking those leaves. What about collecting interesting cones, leaves, and seed pods to use in a fun Thanksgiving decoration? What activities do you and your kids and grandkids enjoy together? How do you get them intrigued with gardening and nature? Click on "comments" directly below and share your ideas!