
Early Harvest: What Have You Enjoyed So Far?

June 1, 2009  |  herbs, recipes
wooden bowl of produce

Although all I have room for in my patio garden is a Bush Goliath tomato and a lot of herbs amongst the flowers, I enjoy immensely the flavors they add to my table. Although the tomatoes are just beginning to turn color (from green to light green...I count that as progress!), and the tiny Red Robin tomatoes on the dwarf plant are not even that far along, I have already enjoyed the herbs: fresh sage with our salmon, snipped chives in our salads, and probably best so far: this Cilantro Pesto that we had drizzled on roasted cod and Yukon gold potatoes. We have lots more recipes for your herbs here on the site: look for recipes in the Archive column on the left. But tell us all: what have you had for an early harvest this year? Click on the word "comment" just below and share!