
Are You A Pumpkin Eater?

September 7, 2009  |  recipes
pumpkins and pumpkin pie

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "Pumpkin"? If you are like us, it's probably PIE! Pumpkins, gourds, and colorful corn make quick and easy fall decorations, but pumpkins have the added benefit of being delicious (and good for you). Sure, you can get pumpkin meat from a can, but it is so simple to make fresh pumpkin for pies, soups, breads and more that you really should try it. And a can doesn't give you tasty seeds to roast and munch while the pie bakes! Try these recipes from Elise at recipes are always great! Pumpkin Puree and PieRoasted Pumpkin Seeds, and many more. Sugar Pie Pumpkins are available now, along with Jack o'Lanterns, Indian corn, gourds and more for fall decorating. What's your favorite pumpkin treat? Share your tips and treats by leaving a comment.