
35th Annual Garden Party!

April 8, 2013  |  seminars
Butterfly on red flower

Update: We had a wonderful weekend wecoming old and new gardening's going to be a great year!  Families get together for birthday parties, graduates for graduation parties, and gardeners gather together each Spring at Knollwood for the season's first Garden Party!  Join us this Saturday and Sunday, April 13th and 14th. We'll have Seminars, Specials, Food*, and Fun to get your juices flowing and your inspiration sparked for the season of gardening ahead.  We look forward to seeing old and new friends alike to share stories, plans, and advice!

Join us for two great seminars: (registration not necessary but appreciated; call or leave name, seminar subject, and number attending below)

Saturday, 4/13/2013 at 10:00 am  Vegetables: Anywhere for Everyone

If you have ever wanted to add more homegrown produce to your yard, but without sacrificing the entire space, Rich Pearson from Cox Arboretum will share on our big screen his photos, tips, and ideas as a large-scale vegetable gardener that can be scaled down to grow more, better, healthy produce in compact spaces… this could change the way you garden!

Sunday, 4/14/2013 at 12:00   Butterflies & Blooms

More than “just a pretty face”, butterflies are an important part of any garden ecosystem.  Join us to learn more about their fascinating lifecycle and how you can support them, as well as identifying the butterflies you are most likely to see in your yard this year.  Presented with colorful Powerpoint presentation on our big screen by Master Gardeners, this is one both adults and kids can enjoy.

*On Saturday, the Beaver Creek Wetlands Association will sell BBQ Beef Sandwiches ,Grilled Hotdogs, Chips, and Beverages provided by Knollwood.  All proceeds go to the Wetlands and their efforts!

**While supplies last, this variety and size only.  All sales are no further discount.